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糖尿病と漢方治療 岡田直己. DM Ensemble 11(2) : 49-54, 2022 |
実際にみてみよう!オンライン診療の流れ&活用ツール 岡田裕子, 岡田直己. 糖尿病ケアプラス19 : 75-77, 2022 |
炙甘草湯が奏効した起立性調節障害の2例 |
慢性咳嗽に九味檳榔湯が奏功した2症例 福永智恵 岸野大蔵、薄木成一郎、岡田直己、岩田健太郎、西本隆. 日本東洋医学会雑誌71(1) : 77-81, 2020 |
炙甘草湯が奏効した起立性調節障害の2例 西本隆、岡田直己、西田愼二 日本東洋医学会雑誌 75 (2):132-137, 2024 |
周産期の血糖変動の把握と, その有用性について教えてください 岡田裕子, 坂口一彦 Calm~Approach to Glycemic Variations~ 3(2): 74-77, 2016. |
糖尿病治療薬Update 適正使用に向けて SGLT2阻害薬の適する患者像 岡田裕子,坂口一彦.Medicina 53(1): 54-56, 2016 |
魔法の糖尿病患者説明シート50+α 糖尿病にはどんな種類があるの? 岡田裕子,小川渉.糖尿病ケア 春季増刊号 24-27,2016 |
SGLT2阻害薬を再評価する 大規模臨床試験進行中のSGLT2阻害薬の心血管アウトカム試験など 岡田裕子,小川渉.Progress in Medicine36(2):223-227, 2016 |
GLP1受容体作動薬 山田 倫子,岡田 裕子,小川 渉.Current Therapy 35(11):50-55, 2017 |
高齢者糖尿病治療の最前線「CGMがもたらした高齢者糖尿病診療の変革」 岡田裕子,永田正男.Geriatric Medicine(老年医学)49(8) : 893-897,2011 |
肥満症治療のために -脂肪細胞制御- 岡田裕子, 阪上浩. The Lipid 15(3):214-221,2004 |
生活習慣病のくすり 肥満症のくすり 岡田裕子, 阪上浩,春日雅人. からだの科学234: 46-51,2004 |
生活習慣病のくすり 肥満症のくすり 岡田裕子, 阪上浩,春日雅人. からだの科学234: 46-51,2004 |
からだの科学選書 生活習慣病のくすり 「肥満症のくすり」 岡田裕子,阪上浩,春日雅人.日本評論社 pp63-81, 2011 |
1型糖尿病合併妊娠におけるContinuous subcutaneous insulin injection療法とSensor Augmented Pump療法のインスリン必要量の変化についての検討 坂本洋一, 岡田裕子, 山田倫子, 西本祐希, 苛原彩, 小原靖子, 瀬尾あかね, 中野温子, 藤原えり, 菅原健二, 福岡秀規, 廣田勇士, 坂口一彦, 小川渉. 糖尿病と妊娠 19(1): 28-36, |
膵腎同時移植を受けた1型糖尿病患者の神経障害の経過を5年間にわたり観察した1例 井上聖也, 岡田裕子, 三浦洋, 中村友昭, 福岡秀規, 廣田勇士, 坂口一彦, 小川渉. 日本内科学会雑誌106(8):1640-1645, 2017. |
インスリン抗体による低血糖症に対しリラグルチドとインスリン併用療法が著効した1例 岡田 裕子, 小林 寛和, 白木 里織, 西澤 昭彦, 高田 政文, 鎮西 忠信, 石川 雄一, 永田 正男. 糖尿病 56:570-577,2013. |
CGMを用いた分割食およびカーボカウント, CSIIの導入により良好なコントロールを得た1型糖尿病合併妊娠の1例 岡田裕子, 岡田卓也, 村前直和, 平田悠, 武部礼子, 高木亜里紗, 榊原美津枝, 中村武寛. 日本病態栄養学会誌 16:229-237,2013. |
インスリンアナログ製剤の変更に伴ってインスリン抗体による低血糖が頻発した2型糖尿病の1例 武部 礼子, 小武 由紀子, 村前 直和, 岡田 裕子, 中村 武寛. 日本内科学会雑誌 102: 2976-2979,2013. |
TS-1が多発性肝転移に奏効した進行胃癌の1例 田坂勝視, 岡田裕子, 友藤喜信, 鎮西忠信. 癌と化学療法 29:1631-1635, 2002. |
1. | Ohara Y, Okada Y, Yamada T, Sugawara K, Kanatani M, Fukuoka H, Hirota Y, Maeda T, Morisada N, Iijima K, Ogawa W. Phenotypic differences and similarities of monozygotic twins with maturity-onset diabetes of the young type 5. J Diabetes Investig. 13,2019. |
2. | Miura H, Sakaguchi K, Okada Y, Yamada T, Otowa-Suematsu N, So A, Komada H, Hirota Y, Ohara T, Kuroki Y, Hara K, Matsuda T, Kishi M, Takeda A, Yokota K, Tamori Y, Ogawa W.Effects of ipragliflozin on glycemic control, appetite and its related hormones: A prospective, multicenter, open-label study (SOAR-KOBE Study).J Diabetes Investig. 28,2019. |
3. | Sugawara K, Nomura K, Okada Y, Sugano A, Matsumoto M, Takarada T, Takeuchi A, Awano H, Hirota Y, Nishio H, Takaoka Y, Ogawa W. In silico and in vitro analyses of the pathological relevance of the R258H mutation of hepatocyte nuclear factor 4α identified in maturity-onset diabetes of the young type 1. J Diabetes Investig. 16,2018. |
4. | Miura H, Sakaguchi K, Okada Y, Otowa-Suematsu N, Yamada T, So A, Komada H, Hirota Y, Kishi M, Takeda A, Tom inaga Y, Nakamura T, Kuroki Y, Matsuda T, Iida K, Kajikawa M, Ohara T, Yokota K, Hara K, Tateya S, Tamori Y, Ogawa W. Effects of Insulin Degludec and Insulin Glargine U300 on Day-to-Day Fasting Plasma Glucose Variability in Individuals with Type 1 Diabetes: A Multicenter, Randomized, Crossover Study (Kobe Best Basal Insulin Study 2). Diabetes Ther. 9:2399-2406,2018. |
5. | Mori T, Sakaue H, Iguchi H, Gomi H, Okada Y, Takashima Y, Nakamura K, Nakamura T, Yamauchi T, Kubota N, Kadowaki T, Matsuki Y, Ogawa W, Hiramatsu R, Kasuga M. Role of Krüppel-like factor 15 (KLF15) in transcriptional regulation of adipogenesis. J Biol Chem. 280:12867-75, 2005. |
6. | Hirata Y, Nomura K, Senga Y, Okada Y, Kobayashi K, Okamoto S, Minokoshi Y, Imamura M, Takeda S, Hosooka T, Ogawa W. Hyperglycemia induces skeletal muscle atrophy via a WWP1/KLF15 axis. JCI Insight. 4,2019. |
7. | Nagare T, Sakaue H, Matsumoto M, Cao Y, Inagaki K, Sakai M, Takashima Y, Nakamura K, Mori T, Okada Y, Matsuki Y, Watanabe E, Ikeda K, Taguchi R, Kamimura N, Ohta S, Hiramatsu R, Kasuga M. Overexpression of KLF15 transcription factor in adipocytes of mice results in down-regulation of SCD1 protein expression in adipocytes and consequent enhancement of glucose-induced insulin secretion. J Biol Chem. 286:37458-69,2011. |
8. | Hirota Y, Matsuda T, Nakajima S, Takabe M, Hashimoto N, Nakamura T, Okada Y, Sakaguchi K, Ogawa W. Effects of exenatide and liraglutide on postchallenge glucose disposal in individuals with normal glucose tolerance. Endocrine. 64:43-47,2019. |
9. | Hirata Y, Nomura K, Senga Y, Okada Y, Kobayashi K, Okamoto S, Minokoshi Y, Imamura M, Takeda S, Hosooka T, Ogawa W. Hyperglycemia induces skeletal muscle atrophy via a WWP1/KLF15 axis. JCI Insight. 21;4 :e124952, 2019. |
10. | Morita Y, Nogami M, Sakaguchi K, Okada Y, Hirota Y, Sugawara K, Tamori Y, Zeng F, Murakami T, Ogawa W. Enhanced Release of Glucose Into the Intraluminal Space of the Intestine Associated With Metformin Treatment as Revealed by [18F]Fluorodeoxyglucose PET-MRI. Diabetes Care. 43:1796-1802, 2020. |
11. | Yamada T, Sakaguchi K, Okada Y, Miura H, Otowa-Suematsu N, So A, Komada H, Hirota Y, Ohara T, Kuroki Y, Hara K, Matsuda T, Kishi M, Takeda A, Yokota K, Tamori Y, Ogawa W. Analysis of time-dependent alterations of parameters related to erythrocytes after ipragliflozin initiation. Diabetol Int. 10:197-206, 2020 |
1. | Relation of cardiac function to insulin resistance as evaluated by hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp analysis in individuals with type 2 diabetes. Otowa-Suematsu N, Sakaguchi K, Kaneko A, Ito J, Morita Y, Miura H, Yamada T, So A, Komada H, Okada Y, Hirota Y, Tamori Y, Ogawa W. J Diabetes Investig. 2021; 12: 2197-2202. |
2. | Analysis of time-dependent alterations of parameters related to erythrocytes after ipragliflozin initiation. Yamada T, Sakaguchi K, Okada Y, Miura H, Otowa-Suematsu N, So A, Komada H, Hirota Y, Ohara T, Kuroki Y, Hara K, Matsuda T, Kishi M, Takeda A, Yokota K, Tamori Y, Ogawa W. Diabetol Int. 2020; 12: 197-206. |
3. | Effects of insulin degludec and insulin glargine U300 on glycaemic stability in individuals with type 1 diabetes: A multicentre, randomized controlled crossover study. Miura H, Sakaguchi K, Otowa-Suematsu N, Yamada T, So A, Komada H, Okada Y, Hirota Y, Tamori Y, Ogawa W. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2020; 22: 2356-2363. |
4. | Patients with pheochromocytoma exhibit low aldosterone renin ratio-preliminary reports. Yamada T, Fukuoka H, Hosokawa Y, Odake Y, Yoshida K, Matsumoto R, Bando H, Okada Y, Hirota Y, Iguchi G, Ogawa W, Takahashi Y. BMC Endocr Disord. 2020; 20: 140. |
5. | Relation between HOMA-IR and insulin sensitivity index determined by hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp analysis during treatment with a sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitor. So A, Sakaguchi K, Okada Y, Morita Y, Yamada T, Miura H, Otowa-Suematsu N, Nakamura T, Komada H, Hirota Y, Tamori Y, Ogawa W. Endocr J. 2020; 67: 501-507. |
6. | Effects of ipragliflozin on glycemic control, appetite and its related hormones: A prospective, multicenter, open-label study (SOAR-KOBE Study). Miura H, Sakaguchi K, Okada Y, Yamada T, Otowa-Suematsu N, So A, Komada H, Hirota Y, Ohara T, Kuroki Y, Hara K, Matsuda T, Kishi M, Takeda A, Yokota K, Tamori Y, Ogawa W. J Diabetes Investig. 2019; 10: 1254-1261. |
7. | Phenotypic differences and similarities of monozygotic twins with maturity-onset diabetes of the young type 5. Ohara Y, Okada Y, Yamada T, Sugawara K, Kanatani M, Fukuoka H, Hirota Y, Maeda T, Morisada N, Iijima K, Ogawa W. J Diabetes Investig. 2019; 10: 1112-1115. |
8. | Effects of Insulin Degludec and Insulin Glargine U300 on Day-to-Day Fasting Plasma Glucose Variability in Individuals with Type 1 Diabetes: A Multicenter, Randomized, Crossover Study (Kobe Best Basal Insulin Study 2). Miura H, Sakaguchi K, Okada Y, Otowa-Suematsu N, Yamada T, So A, Komada H, Hirota Y, Kishi M, Takeda A, Tominaga Y, Nakamura T, Kuroki Y, Matsuda T, Iida K, Kajikawa M, Ohara T, Yokota K, Hara K, Tateya S, Tamori Y, Ogawa W. Diabetes Ther. 2018; 9: 2399-2406. |
9. | Multiple Salivary Cortisol Measurements Are a Useful Tool to Optimize Metyrapone Treatment in Patients with Cushing's Syndromes Treatment: Case Presentations. Yoshida K, Fukuoka H, Odake Y, Nakajima S, Tachibana M, Ito J, Hosokawa Y, Yamada T, Miura H, Suematsu N, Matsumoto R, Bando H, Suda K, Nishizawa H, Iguchi G, Ogawa W, Takahashi Y. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2018; 8: 375. |
糖尿病 最新の治療2022-2024「その他の特定の機序, 疾患による糖尿病と糖代謝異常」 |
新型コロナウイルス感染症重症化と糖尿病 |
1. | Kaori Hozumi, Hidenori Fukuoka, Yukiko Odake, Takehito Takeuchi, Tomoko Uehara, Takeshi Sato, Naoko Inoshita, Kenichi Yoshida, Ryusaku Matsumoto, Hironori Bando, Yushi Hirota, Genzo Iguchi, Masaaki Taniguchi, Naoki Otsuki, Chikako Nishigori, Kenjiro Kosaki, Tomonobu Hasegawa, Wataru Ogawa, Yutaka Takahashi. Acromegaly caused by a somatotroph adenoma in patient with neurofibromatosis type 1. Endocr J. 2019 Oct 28;66(10):853-857. |
1. | Honda H, Hashimoto N, Zenibayashi M, Takeda A, Takeuchi T, Yamamoto A, Hirota Y. Changes in Physical Activity and Glycemic Control before and after the Declaration of the State of Emergency Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japanese Adult Females with Type 1 Diabetes: A 1-Year Follow-Up Study. BioMed, 2(4): 376-385, 2022. |
2. | Honda H, Igaki M, Komatsu M, Tanaka S. Effect of adding home-based moderate-intensity exercise on metabolic functions in older adults with non-communicable diseases who regularly perform gym-based moderate-intensity exercise. Acta Endocrinol (Buchar), 17(2): 226-233, 2021. |
3. | Honda H, Igaki M, Komatsu M, Tanaka S. Association between Physical Activity and Seasonal Variations in Metabolic and Vascular Function in Adults. Endocrines, 2(2): 150-159, 2021. |
4. | Honda H, Igaki M, Komatsu M, Tanaka S. Seasonal variations on endothelium-dependent flow-mediated vasodilation in adults with type 2 diabetes and nondiabetic adults with hypertension and/or dyslipidaemia who perform regular exercise. Endocrinol Diab Metab, 4(1): e00168, 2021. |
5. | Honda H, Igaki M, Komatsu M, Tanaka S, Takaishi T, Hayashi T. Stair climbing–descending exercise following meals improves 24-hour glucose excursions in people with type 2 diabetes. J Phys Fitness Sports Med, 10(1): 51-56, 2021. |
6. | Honda H, Igaki M, Komatsu M, Tanaka S. Effect of moderate-intensity seated exercise on the management of metabolic outcomes in hypertensive individuals with or without exercise habits. J Exerc Sci Fit, 19(1): 51-56, 2021. |
7. | Honda H, Igaki M, Komatsu M, Tanaka S. Effect of maintaining supervised gym- and home-based exercises on the seasonal variations of metabolic outcomes in overweight and obese Japanese adults. BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med, 6(1): e000866, 2020. |
8. | Honda H, Igaki M, Tanaka S, Ono K, Hirota Y. Impact of Self-Reported Sitting Time and Transtheoretical Model Based on Exercise Behavior Change on Glycemic and Weight Control in Japanese Adults with Type 1 Diabetes: A Cross-Sectional Study. Healthcare (Basel), 8(2): 105, 2020. |
9. | Honda H, Igaki M, Hatanaka Y, Komatsu M, Tanaka S, Miki T, Suzuki T, Takaishi T, Hayashi T. Stair climbing/descending exercise for a short time decreases blood glucose levels after a meal in people with type 2 diabetes. BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care, 4(1): e000232, 2016. |
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